tisdag 23 augusti 2016

Det gröna dilemmat: Rösta på vad man vill eller på vad man känner att man måste...

Al Gore meddelar att han förstår de som vill mer än Clinton i klimatfrågan, men uppmanar miljöengagerade att ändå rösta på henne för att stoppa Trump. Detta dilemma - att rösta på något man inte vill bara för att stoppa något som är värre - är ett ständigt återkommande ämne i nätdebatten i USA. Nätaktiviteten  för Jill Stein (Green Party) och Gary Johnson (libertarianerna) ökar.

Så här beskrivs dilemmat för en av dem alla, Misty Plowright:

She's a 33-year-old IT consultant. Plowright is a Democrat, a Sanders fan, and one of the first openly transgender people running for Congress. But she is also a Clinton skeptic who is considering a vote for Jill Stein — the Green Party nominee.

"They talk about trying to court us, but it comes across as just lip service," said Plowright. "Look at her VP pick. I mean, [Tim] Kaine? Are you kidding?" she asked, incredulously. Many progressives criticized Clinton for choosing a relatively moderate vice presidential candidate.

But as she knocks Clinton's "conservatism," Plowright also worries that Trump is a man willing to shred the Constitution. And, so she is torn.

"I think there's one way where stop Trump at all costs would get me to vote for Clinton and that's if I actually truly believed that Trump was Hitler 2.0 and he was actually going to do that level of evil. If I believed that, yeah, I'd vote for Clinton," she said.

But Plowright points to Congress and says she doubts Trump will carry out his plans, even if he is elected; and so for now, she says, she has "no idea" what she's going to do in November.

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